Consumer generated media (CGM), such as social networking services rely on the voluntary activity of users to prosper, garnering the psychological rewards of feeling connected with other people through comments and reviews received online. To attract more users, some CGM have introduced monetary rewards (MR) for posting activity and quality articles and comments. However, the impact of MR on the article posting strategies of users, especially frequency and quality, has not been fully analyzed by previous studies, because they ignored the difference in the standpoint in the CGM networks, such as how many friends/followers they have, although we think that their strategies vary with their standpoints. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of MR on individual users by considering the differences in dominant strategies regarding user standpoints. Using the game-theoretic model for CGM, we experimentally show that a variety of realistic dominant strategies are evolved depending on user standpoints in the CGM network, using multiple-world genetic algorithm.