Meltdown and Spectre exploit microarchitectural changes the CPU makes during transient out-of-order execution. Using side-channel techniques, these attacks enable leaking arbitrary data from memory. As state-of-the-art software mitigations for Meltdown may incur significant performance overheads, they are only seen as a temporary solution. Thus, software mitigations are disabled on more recent processors, which are not susceptible to Meltdown anymore. In this paper, we show that Meltdown-like attacks are still possible on recent CPUs which are not vulnerable to the original Meltdown attack. We show that the store buffer - a microarchitectural optimization to reduce the latency for data stores - in combination with the TLB enables powerful attacks. We present several ASLRrelated attacks, including a KASLR break from unprivileged applications, and breaking ASLR from JavaScript. We can also mount side-channel attacks, breaking the atomicity of TSX, and monitoring control flow of the kernel. Furthermore, when combined with a simple Spectre gadget, we can leak arbitrary data from memory. Our paper shows that Meltdown-like attacks are still possible, and software fixes are still necessary to ensure proper isolation between the kernel and user space. This updated extended version of the original paper includes new results and explanations on the root cause of the vulnerability and shows how it is different to MDS attacks like Fallout.
翻译:Meltdown 和 Spectre 开发了CPU在临时脱序执行期间的微分层构造变化。 使用侧通道技术, 这些攻击能够让从记忆中泄漏任意的数据。 由于Meltdown最先进的软件缓解可能带来显著的性能管理, 它们只被视为一个临时解决方案。 因此, 软件的缓解功能在较近的处理器中被禁用, 这些处理器已经不再容易被Meltdown使用。 在本文中, 我们显示, 最近的CPU 在不易受到原的 Meltdown 攻击的CPU 中, 类似 Meltdown 的攻击仍然是可能的。 此外, 我们显示, 仓库缓冲―― 一种缩略微结构优化, 以减少数据存储库的内嵌度, 加上 TTX 的简单 Spectroductions 组合, 我们展示了一些与无边际的软体磁盘的软体解释, 我们也可以将数据从简单的Spreal- descritection 显示, 我们的硬质的软体的硬质的硬质的硬质的硬质的硬质的硬体解释。