In this paper we discuss the security of a distributed inner product (DIP) protocol [IEEE TIFS, 11(1), (2016), 59-73]. We show information leakage in this protocol that does not happen in an ideal execution of DIP functionality. In some scenarios, this information leakage enables one of the parties to completely learn the other party's input. We will give examples of such scenarios.
翻译:在本文中,我们讨论了分布式内部产品协议[IEE TIFS, 11(1),(2016),(59-73)的安全性,我们在本协议中显示了信息渗漏情况,而这种渗漏情况并不是在理想地执行DIP功能时发生的,在某些情况下,这种信息渗漏使一方能够完全了解另一方的意见。我们将举例说明这些情况。