Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) are shaping modern life, from transportation, health care, science, finance, to national defense. Forecasts of AI development could help improve policy- and decision-making. We report the results from a large survey of AI and machine learning (ML) researchers on their beliefs about progress in AI. The survey, fielded in late 2019, elicited forecasts for near-term AI development milestones and high- or human-level machine intelligence, defined as when machines are able to accomplish every or almost every task humans are able to do currently. As part of this study, we re-contacted respondents from a highly-cited study by Grace et al. (2018), in which AI/ML researchers gave forecasts about high-level machine intelligence and near-term milestones in AI development. Results from our 2019 survey show that, in aggregate, AI/ML researchers surveyed placed a 50% likelihood of human-level machine intelligence being achieved by 2060. The results show researchers newly contacted in 2019 expressed similar beliefs about the progress of advanced AI as respondents in the Grace et al. (2018) survey. For the recontacted participants from the Grace et al. (2018) study, the aggregate forecast for a 50% likelihood of high-level machine intelligence shifted from 2062 to 2076, although this change is not statistically significant, likely due to the small size of our panel sample. Forecasts of several near-term AI milestones have reduced in time, suggesting more optimism about AI progress. Finally, AI/ML researchers also exhibited significant optimism about how human-level machine intelligence will impact society.
翻译:人工智能(AI)的进步正在塑造现代生活,从运输、保健、科学、金融到国防等,从运输、保健、科学、金融到国防。对人工智能的发展预测有助于改善政策和决策。我们报告了对AI和机器学习(ML)研究人员进行大规模调查的结果,调查显示他们相信AI的进展。2019年末开展的调查显示,对近期AI发展里程碑和高或人文一级机器情报的预测,其定义是机器能够完成人类目前能够完成的每一项或几乎每一项任务。作为这项研究的一部分,我们再次接触了Grace等人(2018年)的一项高调研究的受访者。在这项研究中,AI/ML研究人员对高级机器情报和机器学习(ML)的进展作了预测。我们2019年调查的结果显示,在2060年前,AI/M(2018年)所调查的结果显示,新接触的研究人员对高级AI/AL(2018年调查中的答复者对高级AI/研究人员的进展表示类似的看法。对于接近的2062年调查(2018年)中,从Grace等人(Grace et et al) 可能大幅改变的2018) 统计水平的近时间水平的参与者也表明,最终可能改变2018。最后的2018年水平。对18年的统计研究显示,对18年的18年的18年的18年的18年水平水平水平的数值是,对18年的数值水平进行适当的统计水平。关于18。关于18年的预测显示,对20级水平,对20级水平进行重大的数值分析水平的数值分析水平的数值的数值的数值的数值是,对18。