This paper explores the application of unsupervised learning to detecting anomalies in mouse video data. The two models presented in this paper are a dual-stream, 3D convolutional autoencoder (with residual connections) and a dual-stream, 2D convolutional autoencoder. The publicly available dataset used here contains twelve videos of single home-caged mice alongside frame-level annotations. Under the pretext that the autoencoder only sees normal events, the video data was handcrafted to treat each behaviour as a pseudo-anomaly thereby eliminating them from the others during training. The results are presented for one conspicuous behaviour (hang) and one inconspicuous behaviour (groom). The performance of these models is compared to a single stream autoencoder and a supervised learning model, which are both based on the custom CAE. Both models are also tested on the CUHK Avenue dataset were found to perform as well as some state-of-the-art architectures.
翻译:本文探讨了如何应用未经监督的学习发现鼠标视频数据中的异常现象。 本文介绍的两种模型是双流, 3D 进化自动编码器( 带有剩余连接) 和双流, 2D 进化自动编码器。 这里使用的公开数据集包含12个独家小鼠的视频以及框架级注释。 以自动编码器只看到正常事件为借口, 视频数据是手工制作的, 将每种行为视为假异常, 从而在培训期间将其从其他行为中消除。 其结果显示为一种明显的行为( 挂牌) 和一种不显眼的行为( 格鲁) 。 这些模型的性能与单一流自动编码器和受监督的学习模型相比较, 这两种模型都以CAE为定制的CAE为基础。 在 CUHK大道数据集上进行测试时, 发现这两种模型的功能以及一些最先进的结构。