Coordinate compounds (CCs) and elaborate expressions (EEs) are coordinate constructions common in languages of East and Southeast Asia. Mortensen (2006) claims that (1) the linear ordering of EEs and CCs in Hmong, Lahu, and Chinese can be predicted via phonological hierarchies and (2) these phonological hierarchies lack a clear phonetic rationale. These claims are significant because morphosyntax has often been seen as in a feed-forward relationship with phonology, and phonological generalizations have often been assumed to be phonetically "natural". We investigate whether the ordering of CCs and EEs can be learned empirically and whether computational models (classifiers and sequence labeling models) learn unnatural hierarchies similar to those posited by Mortensen (2006). We find that decision trees and SVMs learn to predict the order of CCs/EEs on the basis of phonology, with DTs learning hierarchies strikingly similar to those proposed by Mortensen. However, we also find that a neural sequence labeling model is able to learn the ordering of elaborate expressions in Hmong very effectively without using any phonological information. We argue that EE ordering can be learned through two independent routes: phonology and lexical distribution, presenting a more nuanced picture than previous work. [ISO 639-3:hmn, lhu, cmn]
翻译:Mortensen(2006年)声称,(1) 可以通过声学等级来预测Hmong、Lahu和中国的EEE和CC的线性排序,(2) 这些声学等级缺乏明确的音系理由。 这些说法之所以重要,是因为变形语法常常被视为一种与声学的进化-前进关系,而声学的概括学通常被假定为“自然”音调。我们调查的是,CC和E的排序是否可以通过经验学来学习,计算模型(分类和序列标签模型)是否学会了类似于Mortensen的不自然等级学 (2006年) 。我们发现,决定树和SVMM学会了在声学的基础上预测CC/E的顺序,而DTs学习了类似于Mortensen提议的音调。然而,我们还发现,一个神经序列的排序模型能否用经验学得来学得来,而我们又能够用两种语言的顺序来进行排列:在Hmormal上,我们可以通过两种语言来有效地进行排序。