Data videos -- motion graphics that incorporate visualizations -- have been recognized as an effective way to communicate ideas, but creating such video requires both time and expertise, precluding them from being created and streamed live. We introduce DataTV, a system for combining multiple media sources in real time. We validate our work through an expert review involving researchers using the DataTV prototype to create a one-minute data video for their current project. Results show that the new method facilitates rapid creation and enables users to focus on the narrative rather than mechanics of video production.
翻译:数据视频 -- -- 包含可视化的动作图形 -- -- 已被公认为是交流想法的有效方式,但创建这种视频既需要时间,也需要专门知识,从而无法创建和直播这些想法。我们引入DataTV,这是一个实时将多种媒体来源相结合的系统。我们通过专家审查来验证我们的工作,研究人员利用DataTV原型为当前项目制作一个一分钟的数据视频。结果显示,新方法有利于快速创建,使用户能够侧重于视频制作的叙述而不是机械。