This is a draft of the first 7 chapters of a textbook/monograph that presents computability theory using string diagrams. The introductory chapters have been taught as graduate and undergraduate courses and evolved through 8 years of lecture notes. The later chapters contain new ideas and results about categorical computability and some first steps into computable category theory. The underlying categorical view of computation is based on monoidal categories with program evaluators, called *monoidal computers*. This categorical structure can be viewed as a single-instruction diagrammatic programming language called Run, whose only instruction is called RUN.
翻译:这是教科书/专著前7章的草稿,它用字符串图表提出可计算性理论,入门章节作为研究生和本科本科课程教授,经过8年的讲课说明演化,后面各章载有关于绝对可计算性的新想法和结果,以及纳入可计算类别理论的一些初步步骤。对计算的基本绝对观点是以单项分类为基础,由程序评价员组成,称为 " 模拟计算机* " 。这种绝对结构可被视为一种单一教学图解编程语言,称为 " 运行 ",其唯一的教学称为 " RUN " 。