Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) has a practical ability to link a set of sensors to build a wireless network that can be accessed remotely; this technology has become increasingly popular in recent years. Wi-Fi-enabled sensor networks (WSNs) are used to gather information from the environment in which the network operates. Many obstacles prevent wireless sensor networks from being used in a wide range of fields. This includes maintaining network stability and extending network life. In a wireless network, sensors are the most essential component. Sensors are powered by a battery that has a finite amount of power. The battery is prone to power loss, and the sensor is therefore rendered inoperative as a result. In addition, the growing number of sensor nodes off-site affects the network's stability. The transmission and reception of information between the sensors and the base consumes the most energy in the sensor. An Intelligent Vice Cluster Head Selection Protocol is proposed in this study (IVC LEACH). In order to achieve the best performance with the least amount of energy consumption, the proposed hierarchical protocol relies on a fuzzy logic algorithm using four parameters to calculate the value of each node in the network and divides them into three hierarchical levels based on their value. This improves network efficiency and reliability while extending network life by 50 percent more than the original Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy protocol
翻译:无线传感器网络(WSNs)具有将一组传感器连接起来以建立可远程访问的无线网络的实用能力;这一技术近年来越来越流行。无线接入的传感器网络(WSNs)用于从网络运行的环境收集信息。许多障碍阻止了无线传感器网络在广泛的领域使用。这包括维护网络稳定性和扩大网络寿命。在一个无线网络中,传感器是最基本的组成部分。传感器由拥有有限功率的电池提供动力。电池容易丧失电力,因此传感器无法运作。此外,越来越多的非现场传感器节点(WSNs)用于从网络运行的环境收集信息。传感器和基地之间的信息传输和接收消耗了传感器中的大部分能量。本研究报告(IVC LACH)中提出了智能副分组负责人选择协议(IVC LACHACH)。为了以最少的能源消耗量取得最佳性能,拟议的等级协议依赖于一个模糊逻辑算法,使用四个参数来计算每个网络的频率值,而以50级网络的顶级网络的可靠性和低级网络的频率水平为基础,将其分成三个级网络。