We analyze statistical discrimination using a multi-armed bandit model where myopic firms face candidate workers arriving with heterogeneous observable characteristics. The association between the worker's skill and characteristics is unknown ex ante; thus, firms need to learn it. In such an environment, laissez-faire may result in a highly unfair and inefficient outcome -- myopic firms are reluctant to hire minority workers because the lack of data about minority workers prevents accurate estimation of their performance. Consequently, minority groups could be perpetually underestimated -- they are never hired, and therefore, data about them is never accumulated. We proved that this problem becomes more serious when the population ratio is imbalanced, as is the case in many extant discrimination problems. We consider two affirmative-action policies for solving this dilemma: One is a subsidy rule that is based on the popular upper confidence bound algorithm, and another is the Rooney Rule, which requires firms to interview at least one minority worker for each hiring opportunity. Our results indicate temporary affirmative actions are effective for statistical discrimination caused by data insufficiency.
翻译:我们使用多武装强盗模式分析统计歧视,即短视公司面临具有不同可观察到特点的候选工人。工人的技能和特点之间的联系事先是未知的;因此,公司需要学习。在这种环境下,自由放任权可能导致高度不公平和低效的结果。短视公司不愿意雇用少数族裔工人,因为缺乏少数族裔工人的数据无法准确估计他们的业绩。因此,少数群体可能永远被低估 -- -- 他们从未被雇用,因此,有关他们的数据也从未积累。我们证明,当人口比率失衡时,这一问题就变得更加严重,正如许多现存的歧视问题一样。我们考虑了解决这一困境的两种扶持行动政策:一种是补贴规则,其基础是普遍的信任上限算法,另一种是鲁尼规则,它要求公司在每次雇用机会时至少采访一名少数族裔工人。我们的结果表明,临时肯定行动对于数据不足造成的统计歧视是有效的。