In vehicular communications, in-vehicle devices' mobile and multihoming characteristics bring new requirements for devicevsecurity authentication. On the one hand, the existing network layer authentication methods rely on the PKI system; on the other hand, key negotiation needs interaction. These two points determine that the traditional security authentication method requires bandwidth consumption and additional delay. It is unsuitable for heterogeneous wireless scenarios with a high packet loss rate and limited bandwidth resources. In addition, the establishment of a security association state is contrary to the original design that the network layer only provides a forwarding function. We proposed a non-interactive multihoming security authentication (NIMSA) scheme, a stateless network layer security authentication scheme triggered by data forwarding. Our scheme adopts an identity-based non-interactive key agreement strategy to avoid the interaction of signaling information, which is lightweight and has good support for mobile and multipath parallel transmission scenarios. The comparison with IKEv2 and its mobility and multihoming extension scheme (MOBIKE) shows that the proposed scheme has shorter authentication and handover delay and data transmission delay and can bring better bandwidth aggregation effect in the scenario of multipath parallel transmission.