To address the sensitivity of parameters and limited precision for physics-informed extreme learning machines (PIELM) with common activation functions, such as sigmoid, tangent, and Gaussian, in solving high-order partial differential equations (PDEs) relevant to scientific computation and engineering applications, this work develops a Fourier-induced PIELM (FPIELM) method. This approach aims to approximate solutions for a class of fourth-order biharmonic equations with two boundary conditions on both unitized and non-unitized domains. By carefully calculating the differential and boundary operators of the biharmonic equation on discretized collections, the solution for this high-order equation is reformulated as a linear least squares minimization problem. We further evaluate the FPIELM with varying hidden nodes and scaling factors for uniform distribution initialization, and then determine the optimal range for these two hyperparameters. Numerical experiments and comparative analyses demonstrate that the proposed FPIELM method is more stable, robust, precise, and efficient than other PIELM approaches in solving biharmonic equations across both regular and irregular domains.