The paper presents an experiment of solving word equations via specialization of a configuration WE(R,E), where the program WE can be considered as an interpreter testing whether a composition of substitutions R produces a solution of a word equation E. Several variants of such interpreters, when specialized using a basic unfold/fold strategy, are able to decide solvability for a number of sets of the word equations with the overlapping variables.
翻译:本文介绍了通过WE(R,E)配置的专业化解决字方程的实验,在那里,我们可被视为一个口译测试程序,以测试替代R的构成是否产生单词方程E的解决方案。 这些口译员在使用基本的展出/倍数战略进行专门化时,可以选择若干组单词方程与重叠变量的溶解性。