The fundamental problem in hierarchical supervisory control under partial observation is to find conditions preserving observability between the original (low-level) and the abstracted (high-level) plants. Two conditions for observable specifications were identified in the literature -- observation consistency (OC) and local observation consistency (LOC). However, the decidability of OC and LOC were left open. We show that both OC and LOC are decidable for regular systems. We further show that these conditions do not guarantee that supremal (normal or relatively observable) sublanguages computed on the low level and on the high level always coincide. To solve the issue, we suggest a new condition -- modified observation consistency -- and show that under this condition, the supremal normal sublanguages are preserved between the levels, while the supremal relatively observable high-level sublanguage is at least as good as the supremal relatively observable low-level sublanguage, i.e., the high-level solution may be even better than the low-level solution.
翻译:在部分观察下,等级监督控制的根本问题是找到保持原始(低水平)和抽象(高水平)植物之间可视性的条件。文献中确定了观测规格的两个条件 -- -- 观察一致性(OC)和地方观测一致性(LOC) -- -- 但是,OC和LOC的可分性没有确定。我们表明OC和LOC对于常规系统来说都是可分级的。我们进一步表明,这些条件并不能保证在低水平和高水平上计算出最优(正常或相对可见)的亚语言总是同时出现。为了解决这个问题,我们建议了一个新的条件 -- -- 修改观察一致性 -- -- 并表明,在这一条件下,最优的普通亚语言在水平之间得以保留,而相对可见的高水平亚语言至少与相对可见的顶端低水平亚语言一样好,即高水平的解决方案可能比低水平的解决方案更好。</s>