In the fully dynamic maximal independent set (MIS) problem our goal is to maintain an MIS in a given graph $G$ while edges are inserted and deleted from the graph. The first non-trivial algorithm for this problem was presented by Assadi, Onak, Schieber, and Solomon [STOC 2018] who obtained a deterministic fully dynamic MIS with $O(m^{3/4})$ update time. Later, this was independently improved by Du and Zhang and by Gupta and Khan [arXiv 2018] to $\tilde{O}(m^{2/3})$ update time. Du and Zhang [arXiv 2018] also presented a randomized algorithm against an oblivious adversary with $\tilde{O}(\sqrt{m})$ update time. The current state of art is by Assadi, Onak, Schieber, and Solomon [SODA 2019] who obtained randomized algorithms against oblivious adversary with $\tilde{O}(\sqrt{n})$ and $\tilde{O}(m^{1/3})$ update times. In this paper, we propose a dynamic randomized algorithm against oblivious adversary with expected worst-case update time of $O(\log^4n)$. As a direct corollary, one can apply the black-box reduction from a recent work by Bernstein, Forster, and Henzinger [SODA 2019] to achieve $O(\log^6n)$ worst-case update time with high probability. This is the first dynamic MIS algorithm with very fast update time of poly-log.
翻译:在完全动态的最高独立设置(MIS) 问题中, 我们的目标是在插入和从图表中删除边缘时, 在某个图形中保持一个$G$的MIS。 这个问题的第一个非三轨算法由Assadi、 Onak、 Schieber 和 Solo [STOC 2018] 提出, Assadi、 Onak、 Schieber 和 Solo [STOC 2018] 获得了一个完全动态的确定型MIS, 其更新时间为$O(m ⁇ 3/4 美元) 。 后来, Du和Zhupta 和 Khan [arXiv 2018] [arXiv, 至 $$\tilde{O} 更新时间。 Du和Zhang [arXiv 208] 也展示了一个随机的算算算算算算算算算算算算算算算算算算算算算算算, 与 Restal_ral_ral_ral_ral_O} 最新更新一个最坏算算算算算算算算算算算算算算算算算算。