We use a mechanized verification system, PVS, to examine the argument from Anselm's Proslogion Chapter III, the so-called "Modal Ontological Argument." We consider several published formalizations for the argument and show they are all essentially similar. Furthermore, we show that the argument is trivial once the modal axioms are taken into account. This work is an illustration of computational philosophy and, in addition, shows how these methods can help detect and rectify errors in modal reasoning. This is a minor update with better typesetting and some small addenda to a paper published in the International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, vol. 89, pp. 135--152, April 2021.
翻译:我们使用机械化的核查系统PVS来审查Anselm的《Proslogion》第三章中的论点,即所谓的“Modal Ontologic Argument”。我们考虑了该论点的几种公布形式,并表明它们基本上都相似。此外,我们表明,一旦考虑到模式轴,这个论点是微不足道的。这项工作是计算哲学的一个例子,此外,还表明这些方法如何有助于发现和纠正模式推理中的错误。这是一个微小的更新,有更好的排字法和《国际宗教哲学杂志》第89卷,第135-152页,2021年4月发表的论文的一些小增编。