This paper describes a graph-theoretic formalism and a flow that, to a great extent, automate the design of clock trees in Sampled-Data Analog Circuits (SDACs). The current practice for clock tree design of SDACs is a manual process, which is time-consuming and error-prone. Clock tree design in digital domain, however, is fully automated and is carried out by Clock Tree Synthesis (CTS) software. In spite of critical differences, SDAC clock tree design problem has fundamental similarities with its digital counterpart. We exploited these similarities and built a design flow and tool set, which uses commercial digital CTS software as an intermediate step. We will explain our flow using a 0.18 micron 10-bit 60 MHz 2-stage pipelined differential-input flash analog-to-digital converter as a test circuit.
翻译:本文描述了一个图表理论形式学和流体,在很大程度上,它使抽样数据分析电路中的时钟树设计自动化。目前SDAC的时钟树设计是一个人工过程,耗时且容易出错。数字域的时钟树设计是完全自动化的,由Clock树合成软件进行。尽管存在重大差异,SDAC时钟树设计问题与其数字对口系统有着根本的相似性。我们利用这些相似性,并建立了一个设计流程和工具组,将商业数字CTS软件作为中间步骤使用。我们将用0.18微米 10位60兆赫 2级输油管式差分流转换器作为测试线路来解释我们的流程。