We propose a method for reconfiguring a relay node for polarization encoded quantum key distribution (QKD) networks. The relay can be switched between trusted and untrusted modes to adapt to different network conditions, relay distances, and security requirements. This not only extends the distance over which a QKD network operates but also enables point-to-multipoint (P2MP) network topologies. The proposed architecture centralizes the expensive and delicate single-photon detectors (SPDs) at the relay node with eased maintenance and cooling while simplifying each user node so that it only needs commercially available devices for low-cost qubit preparation.
翻译:我们建议了一种对极化编码量子键分布(QKD)网络的中继节点进行重新配置的方法。 中继可转换为信任模式和不信任模式, 以适应不同的网络条件、 中继距离和安全要求。 这不仅扩大了QKD网络运行的距离, 而且还使点到多点( P2MP) 网络地形得以实现。 拟议的结构将中继节点上昂贵而微妙的单发式探测器集中起来, 进行轻松的维护和冷却, 同时简化每个用户节点, 以便它只需要商业上可用的低成本的qubit准备设备。