As electric vehicle (EV) technologies become mature, EV has been rapidly adopted in modern transportation systems, and is expected to provide future autonomous mobility-on-demand (AMoD) service with economic and societal benefits. However, EVs require frequent recharges due to their limited and unpredictable cruising ranges, and they have to be managed efficiently given the dynamic charging process. It is urgent and challenging to investigate a computationally efficient algorithm that provide EV AMoD system performance guarantees under model uncertainties, instead of using heuristic demand or charging models. To accomplish this goal, this work designs a data-driven distributionally robust optimization approach for vehicle supply-demand ratio and charging station utilization balancing, while minimizing the worst-case expected cost considering both passenger mobility demand uncertainties and EV supply uncertainties. We then derive an equivalent computationally tractable form for solving the distributionally robust problem in a computationally efficient way under ellipsoid uncertainty sets constructed from data. Based on E-taxi system data of Shenzhen city, we show that the average total balancing cost is reduced by 14.49%, the average unfairness of supply-demand ratio and utilization is reduced by 15.78% and 34.51% respectively with the distributionally robust vehicle balancing method, compared with solutions which do not consider model uncertainties.
翻译:随着电动车(EV)技术的成熟,电动车(EV)技术在现代运输系统中被迅速采用,EV将迅速被采用,预计将提供具有经济和社会效益的未来自动按需流动(AMOD)服务,但是,EV需要频繁的补注,因为其射程有限和不可预测的巡航范围有限,而且由于动态充电过程,它们必须加以有效管理。调查在模型不确定性下提供EVAMOD系统性能保障的计算高效算法,而不是使用超常需求或充电模式,是紧迫和具有挑战性的。为了实现这一目标,这项工作设计了一种数据驱动的、以数据驱动驱动的按需流动比率和按需充电站使用平衡的稳健分配优化方法,同时考虑到乘客流动需求不确定和EV供应供应不确定因素的不确定性,尽量减少最坏的预期成本。 我们随后在根据数据构建的粒子不确定性数据集,用计算出一种可分配稳健问题时,提出一种可计算式的可比形式。根据E-taxi系统数据,我们显示平均总平衡费用减少了14.49%,供需平均供求总比率和使用比例和车辆分配方法的不稳性比例分别考虑平衡率为15.71%和比例。