Plateaued functions as an extension of bent functions play a significant role in cryptography, coding theory, sequences and combinatorics. In 2019, Hod\v{z}i\'{c} et al. designed Boolean plateaued functions in spectral domain and provided some efficient construction methods in spectral domain. However, in their constructions, the Walsh support of Boolean $s$-plateaued functions in $n$ variables contains at least $n-s$ columns corresponding to affine functions on $\mathbb{F}_{2}^{n-s}$. In this paper, we focus on the constructions of generalized $s$-plateaued functions from $V_{n}$ to $\mathbb{Z}_{p^k}$, where $p$ is a prime, $k\geq 1$ and $n+s$ is even when $p=2$. Firstly, inspired by the work of Hod\v{z}i\'{c} et al., we give a complete characterization of generalized plateaued functions with affine Walsh support and provide some construction methods of generalized plateaued functions with (non)-affine Walsh support in spectral domain. In our constructions, the Walsh support can contain strictly less than $n-s$ columns corresponding to affine functions. When $p=2, k=1$, these constructions provide an answer to the open problem in \cite{Hodzic2}. Secondly, we provide a generalized indirect sum construction method of generalized plateaued functions, which can also be used to construct (non)-weakly regular generalized bent functions. In particular, we show that the canonical way to construct Generalized Maiorana-McFarland bent functions is a special case of the generalized indirect sum construction method and we illustrate that the generalized indirect sum construction method can be used to construct bent functions not in the completed Generalized Maiorana-McFarland class. Furthermore, based on this construction method, we give constructions of plateaued functions in the subclass WRP of the class of weakly regular plateaued functions and vectorial plateaued functions.
翻译:在加密、编码理论、序列和组合式函数中,平流函数的延伸是一个重要角色。 在2019年, Hod\v{z}i\\\\{c}等人设计的Boolean在光谱域中高地功能,并在光谱域中提供了一些高效的建筑方法。 但是,在它们的构造中,Boolean $s 美元平流函数的沃尔什支持以美元为单位的变数中至少包含与 $\mathb{F\\\\\fnF\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\fnc\\ sy-comb} 平流函数相对的平流化值。 在本文中,我们专注于平流的平流函数以美元平流法为单位的平流法 。 在构建中,平流法中,平流的平流法可以提供一定的平流法。