NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) have experienced an explosive growth and their record-breaking prices have been witnessed. Typically, the assets that NFTs represent are stored off-chain with a pointer, e.g., multi-hop URLs, due to the costly on-chain storage. Hence, this paper aims to answer the question: Is the NFT-to-Asset connection fragile? This paper makes a first step towards this end by characterizing NFT-to-Asset connections of 12,353 Ethereum NFT Contracts (6,234,141 NFTs in total) from three perspectives, storage, accessibility and duplication. In order to overcome challenges of affecting the measurement accuracy, e.g., IPFS instability and the changing availability of both IPFS and servers' data, we propose to leverage multiple gateways to enlarge the data coverage and extend a longer measurement period with non-trivial efforts. Results of our extensive study show that such connection is very fragile in practice. The loss, unavailability, or duplication of off-chain assets could render value of NFTs worthless. For instance, we find that assets of 25.24% of Ethereum NFT contracts are not accessible, and 21.48% of Ethereum NFT contracts include duplicated assets. Our work sheds light on the fragility along the NFT-to-Asset connection, which could help the NFT community to better enhance the trust of off-chain assets.
翻译:NFTs(非易燃 Tokens)经历了爆炸性增长,其创纪录的价格也出现了。通常,NFTs所代表的资产是用指示器(例如多点URL)储存的,因为链存储费用昂贵,多点的URL系统。因此,本文件旨在回答问题:NFT-Assset连接是否脆弱?本文通过将NFT-Asset连接12,353 Efeum NFT合同(总共6,234,141 NFTs)从三个角度、储存、可获取性和重复性(总共6,234,141 NFTs)来为达到这一目的迈出了第一步。为了克服影响测量准确性的挑战,例如,多点网点网点(例如,多点网(多点 URLUP) 和服务器数据的供应情况不断变化。因此,我们建议利用多个网关来扩大数据覆盖面,延长一个非三角努力的测量期。我们的广泛研究的结果显示,这种联系在实践上可能非常脆弱。NFTFTs(总共6,无法获得)的离线资产损失、无法或重复性资产会使NFTFTS21社区的价值价值更失去价值。举例价值。例如25 %的EFTFTA合同。我们发现EFTFTA合同中的25号的25号合同中的资产比重。