The project discussed in this paper is targeted at solving sundry problems faced by Nepalese people in their daily life. It is designed to control and monitor appliances via smartphone using Wi-Fi as communication protocol and raspberry pi as private server. All the appliances and sensors are connected to the internet via NodeMcu microcontroller, which serves as the gateway to the internet. Even if the user goes offline, the system is designed to switch to automated state controlling the appliances automatically as per the sensors readings. Also, the data are logged on to the server for future data mining. The core system of this project is adopted from the Blynk framework.
翻译:本文讨论的项目旨在解决尼泊尔人民在日常生活中面临的杂项问题,目的是利用Wi-Fi作为通信协议和raspberry pi作为私人服务器,通过智能手机控制和监测电器,所有电器和传感器都通过NodeMcu微控制器与互联网连接,该控制器是互联网的门户,即使用户脱机,该系统的设计也是为了按照传感器读数自动控制电器。此外,数据被登录到服务器上,供今后数据挖掘之用。该项目的核心系统是从Blynk框架通过的。