De Finetti theorems tell us that if we expect the likelihood of outcomes to be independent of their order, then these sequences of outcomes could be equivalently generated by drawing an experiment at random from a distribution, and repeating it over and over. In particular, the quantum de Finetti theorem says that exchangeable sequences of quantum states are always represented by distributions over a single state produced over and over. The main result of this paper is that this quantum de Finetti construction has a universal property as a categorical limit. This allows us to pass canonically between categorical treatments of finite dimensional quantum theory and the infinite dimensional. The treatment here is through understanding properties of (co)limits with respect to the contravariant functor which takes a C*-algebra describing a physical system to its convex, compact space of states, and through discussion of the Radon probability monad. We also show that the same categorical analysis also justifies a continuous de Finetti theorem for classical probability.
翻译:德费蒂理论告诉我们,如果我们期望结果有可能独立于其顺序之外,那么这些结果序列可以通过随机地从分布中随机地进行实验来产生,并反复反复重复。 特别是, 德费蒂理论量子表示, 量子状态的可交换序列总是通过对一个生成的单一状态的分布来代表。 本文的主要结果是, 德费蒂量子构造具有一个普遍的绝对限制属性。 这使我们能够在有限维量理论和无限维度的绝对处理之间进行直截了当的传递。 这里的处理是通过理解对抗变真菌菌的( co) 限制的属性。 反异变真真真真真真确的( co), 它将一个物理系统描述到其共性、 紧凑的状态, 并通过讨论Radon Monad 概率。 我们还表明, 同样的绝对分析也证明, 持续地德费尼特理论是经典概率的正当理由。