We introduce an analytic pipeline to model and simulate youth trajectories through the New York state foster care system. Our goal in doing so is to forecast how proposed interventions may impact the foster care system's ability to achieve it's stated goals \emph{before these interventions are actually implemented and impact the lives of thousands of youth}. Here, we focus on two specific stated goals of the system: racial equity, and, as codified most recently by the 2018 Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA), a focus on keeping all youth out of foster care. We also focus on one specific potential intervention -- a predictive model, proposed in prior work and implemented elsewhere in the U.S., which aims to determine whether or not a youth is in need of care. We use our method to explore how the implementation of this predictive model in New York would impact racial equity and the number of youth in care. While our findings, as in any simulation model, ultimately rely on modeling assumptions, we find evidence that the model would not necessarily achieve either goal. Primarily, then, we aim to further promote the use of data-driven simulation to help understand the ramifications of algorithmic interventions in public systems.
翻译:我们通过纽约州寄养制度引入了模拟和模拟青年轨迹的分析管道。我们这样做的目的是预测拟议干预措施如何影响寄养制度实现既定目标的能力,在这些干预措施实际实施之前,这些干预措施将影响数千名青年的生活。这里,我们侧重于该系统的两个具体目标:种族公平,以及最近根据2018年《家庭第一预防服务法》编纂的注重使所有青年不受到寄养照料的具体潜在干预措施。我们还侧重于一个具体的潜在干预措施 -- -- 一种预测模型,在以前的工作中提出,在美国其他地方实施,目的是确定是否一个青年需要照料。我们使用我们的方法探索在纽约实施这一预测模型将如何影响种族公平以及受照料青年的人数。我们发现,正如任何模拟模型一样,我们的调查结果最终都依赖模型假设,但我们发现,该模型不一定实现这两个目标。首先,我们的目标是进一步推广使用数据驱动模拟,帮助理解算法干预系统的后果。