Entity matching in Customer 360 is the task of determining if multiple records represent the same real world entity. Entities are typically people, organizations, locations, and events represented as attributed nodes in a graph, though they can also be represented as records in relational data. While probabilistic matching engines and artificial neural network models exist for this task, explaining entity matching has received less attention. In this demo, we present our Explainable Entity Matching (xEM) system and discuss the different AI/ML considerations that went into its implementation.
翻译:客户360中的实体匹配是确定多个记录是否代表同一个真实世界实体的任务。 实体通常是在图表中标为归属节点的人、组织、地点和事件,尽管它们也可以被作为相关数据的记录。 虽然为这项任务存在概率匹配引擎和人造神经网络模型,但解释实体匹配的情况受到的关注较少。 在此演示中,我们介绍了可解释实体匹配(xEM)系统,并讨论了实施过程中的不同AI/ML考虑。