This paper describes the International Disruptive Information Solutions hackathon and one the winning solutions. The purpose of the hackathon was to promote the use of disruptive ICT technologies (e.g. IoT, Big data, AI, blockchain) in urban infrastructures to create innovative waste management solutions in a smart city context. 29 students enrolled into this hackathon and in the end 4 teams submitted their solutions to the challenges. The winning proposal EcoQ, an approach for plogging collecting trashes while jogging, answered more than well to the presented challenge on waste management and engagement. The original idea was extended and partly refocused during an internship. As the outcome of the internship a mobile application for organizing and holding waste collection events was developed. This mobile application was shortly tested in a real environment and it provides a working citizen-centric platform, which enables anyone to arrange waste management events, and motivates other residents to participate in these activities.
翻译:本文描述了“国际破坏信息解决方案”的黑手党和一个获胜的解决方案。黑手党的目的是在城市基础设施中推广使用破坏性信通技术(如IoT、Big Data、AI、块链),以便在智能城市环境中创造创新的废物管理解决方案。参加这一黑手党的29名学生和4个团队在最后提交了应对挑战的解决方案。获胜的EcoQ(一种在慢跑时收集垃圾的方法)对提出的废物管理和参与挑战反应得更好。最初的想法在实习期间得到扩展并部分调整了重点。作为实习的结果,开发了一个组织和举办废物收集活动的移动应用程序。该移动应用程序很快在现实环境中进行了测试,它提供了一个以公民为中心的工作平台,让任何人能够安排废物管理活动,并激励其他居民参与这些活动。