Weighted voting games is one of the most important classes of cooperative games. Recently, Zhang and Grossi [53] proposed a variant of this class, called delegative simple games, which is well suited to analyse the relative importance of each voter in liquid democracy elections. Moreover, they defined a power index, called the delagative Banzhaf index to compute the importance of each agent (i.e., both voters and delegators) in a delegation graph based on two key parameters: the total voting weight she has accumulated and the structure of supports she receives from her delegators. We obtain several results related to delegative simple games. We first propose a pseudo-polynomial time algorithm to compute the delegative Banzhaf and Shapley-Shubik values in delegative simple games. We then investigate a bribery problem where the goal is to maximize/minimize the voting power/weight of a given voter in a delegation graph by changing at most a fixed number of delegations. We show that the problems of minimizing/maximizing a voter's power index value are strongly NP-hard. Furthermore, we prove that having a better approximation guarantee than $1-1/e$ to maximize the voting weight of a voter is not possible, unless $P = NP$, then we provide some parameterized complexity results for this problem. Finally, we show that finding a delegation graph with a given number of gurus that maximizes the minimum power index value an agent can have is a computationally hard problem.
翻译:加权投票游戏是合作性游戏的最重要类别之一。 最近,张和格罗西(53)提出了这一类的变体,称为典型简单游戏,非常适合分析每个选民在液态民主选举中的相对重要性。此外,他们定义了权力指数,称为Banzhaf变压指数,以根据两个关键参数在代表团图表中计算每个代理人(即选民和降压者)的重要性:她所积累的总投票权重和她从她的解职者那里得到的支持结构。我们获得了与典型的简单游戏有关的若干结果。我们首先提出了假极权主义时间算法,以在液态民主选举中分析每位选民的相对重要性。然后我们调查了一个贿赂问题,目的是在代表团图表中最大限度地/最小化一个特定选民的投票权重,在大多数代表团中变化一个固定数目。我们表明,将选民权力指数值降到最低/最高程度的指数是很强的硬性硬性硬性硬性数字。最后,除非我们证明一个比选举力的精确度更能保证一个比我们所看到一个最强的等级。