Packet replication and elimination functions are used by time-sensitive networks (as in the context of IEEE TSN and IETF DetNet) to increase the reliability of the network. Packets are replicated onto redundant paths by a replication function. Later the paths merge again and an elimination function removes the duplicates. This redundancy scheme has an effect on the timing behavior of time-sensitive networks and many challenges arise from conducting timing analyses. The replication can induce a burstiness increase along the paths of replicates, as well as packet mis-ordering that could increase the delays in the crossed bridges or routers. The induced packet mis-ordering could also negatively affect the interactions between the redundancy and scheduling mechanisms such as traffic regulators (as with per-flow regulators and interleaved regulators, implemented by TSN asynchronous traffic shaping). Using the network calculus framework, we provide a method of worst-case timing analysis for time-sensitive networks that implement redundancy mechanisms in the general use case, i.e., at end-devices and/or intermediate nodes. We first provide a network calculus toolbox for bounding the burstiness increase and the amount of reordering caused by the elimination function of duplicate packets. We then analyze the interactions with traffic regulators and show that their shaping-for-free property does not hold when placed after a packet elimination function. We provide a bound for the delay penalty when using per-flow regulators and prove that the penalty is not bounded with interleaved regulators. Finally, we use an industrial use-case to show the applicability and the benefits of our findings.
翻译:时间敏感的网络(如 IEEE TSN 和 IETF DetNet ) 使用折叠式复制和删除功能来提高网络的可靠性。 Packets 被复制功能复制到冗余路径上。 之后路径会再次合并, 消除功能会消除重复。 这个冗余计划会影响时间敏感网络的时间安排行为, 以及进行计时分析后会遇到的诸多挑战。 复制会引发重复版路径的暴躁性增加, 以及包装错误排序会增加跨桥或路由器的延迟。 诱发的包装错误排序也会对交通监管者等冗余和调度机制之间的相互作用产生消极影响( 与全流量监管者和互换监管者一样, 由 TSNN 执行的隔断式通信功能会删除重复。 使用网络缩放式缩放式计时, 我们提供了一个最坏的计时分析方法, 在一般使用冗余机制时, 即终端和中间节点中, 我们首先提供网络的缩略式计算工具箱, 来解止性修正性交易的周期性互动, 以显示我们设置的周期性修正性调整后 。