Around 450 million people are affected by pneumonia every year which results in 2.5 million deaths. Covid-19 has also affected 181 million people which has lead to 3.92 million casualties. The chances of death in both of these diseases can be significantly reduced if they are diagnosed early. However, the current methods of diagnosing pneumonia (complaints + chest X-ray) and covid-19 (RT-PCR) require the presence of expert radiologists and time, respectively. With the help of Deep Learning models, pneumonia and covid-19 can be detected instantly from Chest X-rays or CT scans. This way, the process of diagnosing Pneumonia/Covid-19 can be made more efficient and widespread. In this paper, we aim to elicit, explain, and evaluate, qualitatively and quantitatively, major advancements in deep learning methods aimed at detecting or localizing community-acquired pneumonia (CAP), viral pneumonia, and covid-19 from images of chest X-rays and CT scans. Being a systematic review, the focus of this paper lies in explaining deep learning model architectures which have either been modified or created from scratch for the task at hand wiwth focus on generalizability. For each model, this paper answers the question of why the model is designed the way it is, the challenges that a particular model overcomes, and the tradeoffs that come with modifying a model to the required specifications. A quantitative analysis of all models described in the paper is also provided to quantify the effectiveness of different models with a similar goal. Some tradeoffs cannot be quantified, and hence they are mentioned explicitly in the qualitative analysis, which is done throughout the paper. By compiling and analyzing a large quantum of research details in one place with all the datasets, model architectures, and results, we aim to provide a one-stop solution to beginners and current researchers interested in this field.
翻译:每年大约有4.5亿人受到肺炎的影响,导致250万人死亡。Covid-19每年也影响到1.81亿人,导致392万人伤亡。如果早期诊断出这两种疾病,可以大大减少这两种疾病的死亡机会。然而,目前诊断肺炎(抱怨+胸部X光)和covid-19(RT-PCR)的方法分别需要专家放射学家在场和时间。在深层学习模型的帮助下,可以从胸部X光或CT扫描中立即检测出肺炎和 Covid-19 。这样,诊断肺炎/Covid-19 的诊断过程可以提高效率和普及。在本论文中,我们的目标是从质量角度对肺炎/Covid-19 进行诊断,从质量角度和数量上分析肺炎和大脑19 的深度方法,旨在检测或将社区摄入的肺炎(RT-PCRCR)当地化, 病毒肺炎, 以及胸部X光谱和CT扫描的模型19 。通过系统审查,本文的焦点在于解释深度学习模型的过程,可以提高效率的过程可以变得更为过程分析。在纸质分析中明确分析中找到一个目标。在纸质分析中,在纸面分析中可以提供一个目的的模型,在纸质分析,在纸质分析中可以分析中找到一个目的,在纸质分析,在纸质分析的模型的模型的模型的模型,在纸面分析中提供一个方向上找到一个目标,在纸面的模型, 。在纸面的模型, 。在纸面分析中可以提供一个方向上, 。在每一面的模型的模型的模型,在分析中提供一个方向上,在每一面分析中可以提供一个目的的模型, 。在纸面的模型, 。在分析中可以提供一个方向的模型的模型, 。在纸面的模型的模型中,在纸面分析,在分析中,在分析是要的每个分析, 。在纸面的每个分析中, 。在分析是做的模型的每个的每个的模型中提供一个目的的每个分析是要的每个分析中,在分析中提供一个目的的模型中, 。在分析中,在分析中,在分析中,在分析中提供一个目的的模型中, 。在分析中, 。在分析中,在分析中,在分析中,在分析中