We consider a dynamic model of traffic that has received a lot of attention in the past few years. Users control infinitesimal flow particles aiming to travel from a source to destination as quickly as possible. Flow patterns vary over time, and congestion effects are modeled via queues, which form whenever the inflow into a link exceeds its capacity. Despite lots of interest, some very basic questions remain open in this model. We resolve a number of them: - We show uniqueness of journey times in equilibria. - We show continuity of equilibria: small perturbations to the instance or to the traffic situation at some moment cannot lead to wildly different equilibrium evolutions. - We demonstrate that, assuming constant inflow into the network at the source, equilibria always settle down into a "steady state" in which the behavior extends forever in a linear fashion. One of our main conceptual contributions is to show that the answer to the first two questions, on uniqueness and continuity, are intimately connected to the third. Our result also shows very clearly that resolving uniqueness and continuity, despite initial appearances, cannot be resolved by analytic techniques, but are related to very combinatorial aspects of the model. To resolve the third question, we substantially extend the approach of Cominetti et al., who show a steady-state result in the regime where the input flow rate is smaller than the network capacity.
翻译:我们考虑的是一个动态交通模式,在过去几年里,这种模式引起了人们的极大关注。用户控制着极小的流量粒子,目的是从源头到目的地的移动速度越快越快越好。流动模式随着时间的变化变化而变化,而拥堵效应则通过队列形成模型,每当流入链接的流入量超过其容量时,它们就会形成。尽管有许多兴趣,但这一模式中的一些非常基本的问题仍然开放。我们解决了其中的一些问题: - 我们在平衡中表现出旅程的独特性。我们表现出平衡的连续性:对事件或交通状况的细小的扰动不能导致极端不同的均衡演变。我们证明,假设流入源头网络的不断流入量总是以队列的形式形成“稳定状态 ” 。 我们的主要概念贡献之一是显示,对前两个问题的独特性和连续性的答案与第三个问题有着密切的联系。 我们的结果还非常清楚地表明,解决独特性和连续性,尽管初始外观或某一时刻的交通状况不能导致极端不同的平衡演变。我们证明,一个稳定的网络的模型与一个持续性因素是,一个稳定的,一个我们是如何展示一个稳定的网络的,一个稳定的系统。