The growth and evolution of Internet of Things (IoT) is now of paramount importance for next-generation networks, including the upcoming 6G. In particular, there is a set of constrained IoT nodes that comprise the Low-Power and Lossy Networks (LLNs), which have very particular requirements. The current standard for routing in those networks is RPL, which was defined less than a decade ago and still needs improvements in terms of scalability or integration with other networks. Many researchers currently need an implementation of RPL to evaluate their works and, for that reason, among others, we implemented it in the OMNeT++ simulator. The results of this implementation show that is an easy way to check prototypes in their very initial develop phases, and its code is publicly available for the research community.
翻译:物联网(IoT)的成长和演变对于下一代网络,包括即将到来的6G现在至关重要。 特别是,由低功率和损失网络(LLNs)构成的一组受限制的IoT节点,这些节点有非常特殊的要求,这些网络目前的路由标准是RPL,这个标准在不到10年前就已经界定,在可扩缩性或与其他网络的整合方面仍然需要改进。许多研究人员目前需要实施RPL来评估其作品,因此,我们除其他原因外,在OMNET+++模拟器中实施了这一节点。执行这一节点的结果表明,在最初的开发阶段检查原型非常容易,研究界可以公开查阅其守则。