Recent work has shown that NLP tasks such as Relation Extraction (RE) can be recasted as Textual Entailment tasks using verbalizations, with strong performance in zero-shot and few-shot settings thanks to pre-trained entailment models. The fact that relations in current RE datasets are easily verbalized casts doubts on whether entailment would be effective in more complex tasks. In this work we show that entailment is also effective in Event Argument Extraction (EAE), reducing the need of manual annotation to 50% and 20% in ACE and WikiEvents respectively, while achieving the same performance as with full training. More importantly, we show that recasting EAE as entailment alleviates the dependency on schemas, which has been a road-block for transferring annotations between domains. Thanks to the entailment, the multi-source transfer between ACE and WikiEvents further reduces annotation down to 10% and 5% (respectively) of the full training without transfer. Our analysis shows that the key to good results is the use of several entailment datasets to pre-train the entailment model. Similar to previous approaches, our method requires a small amount of effort for manual verbalization: only less than 15 minutes per event argument type is needed, and comparable results can be achieved with users with different level of expertise.
翻译:近期工作显示, 关系提取( RE) 等 NLP 任务可以通过言语重塑为文字细节任务, 且由于培训前的演化模式, 零点和短点设置表现良好。 目前 RE 数据集中的关系很容易语言化, 使得人们怀疑是否包含更复杂的任务。 在此工作中, 我们显示, 包含的内容在“ 事件提取( EAE) ” ( EAE) 中也有效, 将人工批注的需求分别降低到 ACE 和 WikiEvents 的50% 和 20%, 同时实现与全面培训相同的性能。 更重要的是, 我们显示, 重新投放 EAE 作为要求减轻对 Schematas 的依赖, 这是在域间传输说明的路障。 由于需要, ACE 和 WikikiEvents 之间的多源传输进一步将完整培训的批注降为10% 和 5% ( 相对而言) 。 我们的分析显示, 良好结果的关键是使用若干个要求完成的数据操作的模型, 与之前的图像格式化为15 需要的模型。