The goal of group testing is to efficiently identify a few specific items, called positives, in a large population of items via tests. A test is an action on a subset of items which returns positive if the subset contains at least one positive and negative otherwise. In non-adaptive group testing, all tests are fixed in advance and can be performed in parallel. In this work, we consider non-adaptive group testing with consecutive positives in which the items are linearly ordered and the positives are consecutive in that order. We present two contributions here. The first is the direct use of a binary code to construct measurement matrices compared to the use of Gray code in the state-of-the-art work, which is a rearrangement of the binary code, when the maximum number of consecutive positives is known. This leads to a reduction in decoding time in practice. The second one is efficient designs to identify positives when the number of consecutive positives is known. To the best of our knowledge, this setting has not been surveyed yet. Our simulations verify the efficiency of our proposed designs. In particular, it only requires up to $300$ tests to identify up to $100$ positives in a set of $2^{32} \approx 4.3\mathrm{B}$ items in less than $300$ nanoseconds. When the maximum number of consecutive positives is known, the simulations validate the superiority of our proposed design in decoding compared to the state-of-the-art work. Moreover, when the number of consecutive positives is known, the number of tests and the decoding time are almost reduced half.
翻译:分组测试的目标是在大量项目中通过测试有效识别几个特定项目,称为正数。 测试是对一组项目的一种动作, 如果子集至少包含一个正数和负数, 则该子集的动作会返回正数。 在非适应性组测试中, 所有测试都是事先固定的, 可以平行进行。 在这项工作中, 我们考虑非适应性组测试, 连续标定项目为线性, 正数依次顺序排列。 我们在此提出两个贡献 。 首先, 直接使用一个二进制代码来构建测量矩阵, 与在最新工程中使用灰色代码相比, 这是对二进制代码的重新排列, 当已知连续正数最多为正数时, 这导致实际解码时间减少。 第二个是当连续标定项目数为线性数时确定正数的有效设计。 我们所了解的这一设置还没有被调查过。 我们的模拟核查了我们拟议设计的效率。 特别是, 当连续测试时只需要300美元标准值为正数时, 将连续测试的正数减为正数, 也就是每秒的正数为正数。 。 。 当设计为正数为正数为正数时, 每平数为平数时, 每秒数为每秒数为每秒数, 。