Institutions in highly regulated domains such as finance and healthcare often have restrictive rules around data sharing. Federated learning is a distributed learning framework that enables multi-institutional collaborations on decentralized data with improved protection for each collaborator's data privacy. In this paper, we propose a communication-efficient scheme for decentralized federated learning called ProxyFL, or proxy-based federated learning. Each participant in ProxyFL maintains two models, a private model, and a publicly shared proxy model designed to protect the participant's privacy. Proxy models allow efficient information exchange among participants using the PushSum method without the need of a centralized server. The proposed method eliminates a significant limitation of canonical federated learning by allowing model heterogeneity; each participant can have a private model with any architecture. Furthermore, our protocol for communication by proxy leads to stronger privacy guarantees using differential privacy analysis. Experiments on popular image datasets, and a pan-cancer diagnostic problem using over 30,000 high-quality gigapixel histology whole slide images, show that ProxyFL can outperform existing alternatives with much less communication overhead and stronger privacy.
翻译:联邦学习是一个分布式学习框架,使分散数据方面的多机构协作得以进行,从而更好地保护每个协作者的数据隐私。在本文件中,我们提议了一个名为代理FL或代理Federal的分散化联合学习的通信效率计划。代理FL的每个参与者都持有两种模式,一种私人模式,以及一种公开分享的代用模式,目的是保护参与者的隐私。代用模式使得使用PushSum方法的参与者之间无需集中服务器就能进行有效的信息交流。拟议方法消除了允许模式异质化的罐装联合学习的巨大局限性;每个参与者都可以拥有一个与任何结构的私人模式。此外,我们的代用代用通信协议导致使用差异隐私分析加强隐私保障。对流行图像数据集的实验,以及使用超过30,000个高品质的Galapixel整个幻灯片图像的罐式诊断问题,表明 ProxyFl可以比现有的替代方法更差得多的通信间接性和更强的隐私。