A naive (or Idiot) Bayes network is a network with a single hypothesis node and several observations that are conditionally independent given the hypothesis. We recently surveyed a number of members of the UAI community and discovered a general lack of understanding of the implications of the Naive Bayes assumption on the kinds of problems that can be solved by these networks. It has long been recognized [Minsky 61] that if observations are binary, the decision surfaces in these networks are hyperplanes. We extend this result (hyperplane separability) to Naive Bayes networks with m-ary observations. In addition, we illustrate the effect of observation-observation dependencies on decision surfaces. Finally, we discuss the implications of these results on knowledge acquisition and research in learning.
翻译:幼稚(或白痴)贝耶斯网络是一个网络,只有一个假设节点,而且根据假设,若干意见有条件地独立。我们最近调查了AIU社区的一些成员,发现对于Nive Bayes假设对这些网络可以解决的各类问题的影响普遍缺乏了解。人们早已认识到[Minsky 61],如果观测是二进制的,这些网络的决策面是高空的。我们把这一结果(高空分离性)扩大到Naive Bayes网络,加上移动观测。此外,我们说明了观察观察对决策面的依赖性的影响。最后,我们讨论了这些结果对学习知识的获取和研究的影响。