In the unsplittable capacitated vehicle routing problem (UCVRP) on trees, we are given a rooted tree with edge weights and a subset of vertices of the tree called terminals. Each terminal is associated with a positive demand between 0 and 1. The goal is to find a minimum length collection of tours starting and ending at the root of the tree such that the demand of each terminal is covered by a single tour (i.e., the demand cannot be split), and the total demand of the terminals in each tour does not exceed the capacity of 1. For the special case when all terminals have equal demands, a long line of research culminated in a quasi-polynomial time approximation scheme [Jayaprakash and Salavatipour, SODA 2022] and a polynomial time approximation scheme [Mathieu and Zhou, ICALP 2022]. In this work, we study the general case when the terminals have arbitrary demands. Our main contribution is a polynomial time $(1.5+\epsilon)$-approximation algorithm for the UCVRP on trees. This is the first improvement upon the 2-approximation algorithm more than 30 years ago [Labb\'e, Laporte, and Mercure, Operations Research, 1991]. Our approximation ratio is essentially best possible, since it is NP-hard to approximate the UCVRP on trees to better than a 1.5 factor.
翻译:在树上无法解决的机动车辆轮廓问题(UCVRP)中,我们得到的是树根树根,其边重量和树上称为终点站的部分脊椎,每个终点站都与0和1之间的正需求有关,目标是找到从树根开始和结束的旅游的最低长度集合,使每个终点站的需求由一个旅行(即需求无法分割)满足,每次旅行的终点站总需求不超过1的容量。对于所有终点站需求相等的特殊情况,一长串研究最终形成准极地间时间近似计划[Jayprakash和Salavatipour,SODA 2022],以及一个综合时间近似计划[Mathieu和Zhou,CLICP 2022]。在这项工作中,当终点站有任意需求时,我们研究的一般案例是:我们的主要贡献是混合时间$(1.5%)- 美元- 支持成本- 的特殊情况,长期研究最终形成一个准的周期计划[Jappra-NBRPO,这是自1991年以来对最佳树的改进。