Here we present two new schemes for quantum key distribution (QKD) which neither require entanglement nor require an ideal single photon source. Thus, the proposed protocols can be implemented using realistic single photon sources which are commercially available. The schemes are shown to be secure against multiple attacks (e.g., intercept resend attack and a class of collective attacks). Bounds on the key rate are obtained and it is shown that by applying a certain type of classical pre-processing, the tolerable error limit can be increased. A trade-off between quantum resources used and information revealed to Eve is observed and it is shown that by using slightly more quantum resources it is possible to design protocols having higher efficiency compared to a protocol of the same family that uses relatively lesser amount of quantum resources. Specifically, in our case, SARG04 protocol is a protocol of the same family and it is clearly shown that the proposed protocols can provide higher efficiency compared to SARG04 at the cost of consumption of more quantum resources. Further, it is shown that the critical distances for the proposed protocols under photon number splitting (PNS) type attacks are higher than the critical distances obtained for BB84 and SARG04 protocols implemented under similar situation.