We present diffuse Lyman-alpha halos (LAHs) identified in the composite Subaru narrowband images of 100-3600 Lyman-alpha emitters (LAEs) at z=2.2, 3.1, 3.7, 5.7, and 6.6. First, we carefully examine potential artifacts mimicking LAHs that include a large-scale point-spread function (PSF) made by instrumental and atmospheric effects. Based on our critical test with composite images of non-LAE samples whose narrowband-magnitude and source-size distributions are the same as our LAE samples, we confirm that no artifacts can produce a diffuse extended feature similar to our LAHs. After this test, we measure the scale lengths of exponential profile for the LAHs estimated from our z=2.2-6.6 LAE samples of L(Lyman-alpha) > 2 x 10^42 erg s^-1. We obtain the scale lengths of ~ 5-10 kpc at z=2.2-5.7, and find no evolution of scale lengths in this redshift range beyond our measurement uncertainties. Combining this result and the previously-known UV-continuum size evolution, we infer that the ratio of LAH to UV-continuum sizes is nearly constant at z=2.2-5.7. The scale length of our z=6.6 LAH is larger than 5-10 kpc just beyond the error bar, which is a hint that the scale lengths of LAHs would increase from z=5.7 to 6.6. If this increase is confirmed by future large surveys with significant improvements of statistical and systematical errors, this scale length change at z > 6 would be a signature of increasing fraction of neutral hydrogen scattering Lyman-alpha photons, due to cosmic reionization.
翻译:我们用100-3600 Lyman-alpha排放物(LAEs)的复合Subaru窄带窄带图像中发现的100-3600 Lyman-alpha排放物(LAEs),在z=2.2、3.1、3.7、5.7和6.6.中,我们展示了分散的Lyman-alpha Harlos(LAHs)。首先,我们仔细检查了模拟LAH(LAH)的潜在文物,其中包括由工具效应和大气效应产生的大型点扩张功能。根据我们用非LAE样本的合成图像进行的关键测试,这些样本的窄带中和源级分布与我们的LAE样本相同,我们确认没有任何超出我们LAAH(LAE)的扩展扩展范围。 在这次测试之后,L(Lyman-alpha) 的扩展范围估计L(Lyman-alpha) > 2 x10°42 秒 s &-1。我们通过 z=2.2-5.7号的缩比LAH6 的缩缩缩缩图变。我们通过 5的缩缩 的缩变。我们发现这种变的缩的缩的缩的缩幅的变的变的变。