The fracture simulation of random particle reinforced composite structures remains a challenge. Current techniques either assumed a homogeneous model, ignoring the microstructure characteristics of composite structures, or considered a micro-mechanical model, involving intractable computational costs. This paper proposes a peridynamics-based statistical multiscale (PSM) framework to simulate the macroscopic structure fracture with high efficiency. The heterogeneities of composites, including the shape, spatial distribution and volume fraction of particles, are characterized within the representative volume elements (RVEs), and their impact on structure failure are extracted as two types of peridynamic parameters, namely, statistical critical stretch and equivalent micromodulus. At the microscale level, a bond-based peridynamic (BPD) model with energy-based micromodulus correction technique is introduced to simulate the fracture in RVEs, and then the computational model of statistical critical stretch is established through micromechanical analysis. Moreover, based on the statistical homogenization approach, the computational model of effective elastic tensor is also established. Then, the equivalent micromodulus can be derived from the effective elastic tensor, according to the energy density equivalence between classical continuum mechanics (CCM) and BPD models. At the macroscale level, a macroscale BPD model with the statistical critical stretch and the equivalent micromodulus is constructed to simulate the fracture in the macroscopic homogenized structures. The algorithm framework of the PSM method is also described. Two- and three-dimensional numerical examples illustrate the validity, accuracy and efficiency of the proposed method.
翻译:随机粒子强化复合结构的碎裂模拟仍是一个挑战。 当前的技术要么假设一个单一模型,忽视复合结构的微结构特征,要么认为是一个微型机械模型,其中涉及难以计算的成本。 本文提出一个基于近光动力的统计多尺度(PSM)框架,用以模拟大型结构的裂痕,然后通过微观机械分析建立包括形状、空间分布和粒子体积分数在内的复合异质性特征。 此外,根据具有代表性的体积元素(RVes)的特征,它们对于结构失灵的影响被作为两种类型的远洋动力参数,即统计临界伸缩和等效微模模模型。 在微观尺度一级,一个基于债券的远洋流动力(BPPD)模型模型,一个基于能量的显微模(BPPD)模型,一个用于模拟流动结构结构的模型,一个用于模拟RVEVes断裂痕的模型,一个SDM模型的模型,一个为SMAtrial-S-Syal-Syal-Slimal-Calalalalal-Cal-Calal-Brmalalal-Cal-Bsal-Cal-Cal-Cormayalalal- 和一个模拟的缩压缩缩缩缩缩缩缩缩的模型,该模型,该模型的模型,一个为B-B-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-Cormaal-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-底等等等等等等等等等等等等的模型,一个C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-直等等等等等等的模型,该模型,一个C-底的模型,一个C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-