项目名称: 黄铁矿表面钝化剂的筛选及其钝化机理研究
项目编号: No.21207111
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 环境化学
项目作者: 刘云
作者单位: 湘潭大学
项目金额: 26万元
中文摘要: 黄铁矿作为一种最常见的金属硫化物矿物,它普通的存在于各种矿石及尾矿堆中,同时也常见于各种贵金属伴生矿中。受自然风化作用,环境中的黄铁矿很容易发生氧化而引起矿山酸性废水的污染,这种污染也是人类采矿业中面临的最大环境问题之一。为从源头上控制黄铁矿氧化带来的环境影响,在本项研究中,我们拟采用新的表面钝化法,在不需要预处理的情况下实现对黄铁矿的直接钝化,从微观水平上阻断黄铁矿的化学和生物氧化途径,阻止或减缓有毒有害物质的释放。本研究拟采用电化学方法和传统的浸取法相结合的方式,寻找出稳定高效的黄铁矿表面钝化剂,并通过物理化学表征手段系统研究钝化膜的成膜机理、抗氧化机制, 从而为矿区环境保护提供理论依据和技术支撑。
中文关键词: 黄铁矿;钝化;酸性矿山废水;有机硅烷钝化剂;三乙烯四胺
英文摘要: Pyrite is one of the most common sulfide minerals. It is frequently present in tailings, waste rock dumps and many valuable mineral raw materials. It is easy to be oxidized under natural weathering conditions. The oxidation of pyrite results in sulfuric acid and toxic trace metals formation in acid mine drainage, which is one of the most serious environmental problems facing the mining industry. For the control of pyrite oxidation at source, new method of passivation would be introduced in this study, which can limit both the chemical and biological oxidation of pyrite at microscopic level and without mineral pretreatment. In this research, we would use electrochemical method and the traditional method of extraction to find efficient coating agents in preventing the oxidation of pyrite. Moreover, the film forming mechanism and resistance oxidation mechanism of passivator would also be studied by physical-chemical characterization method, thus providing theory basis and the technical support for environmental protection of mining area.
英文关键词: Pyrite;Passivation;Acid Mine Drainage;Organosilane coating;Triethylenetetramine