项目名称: 基于转录组分析的小球藻同步生长与产油分子基础研究
项目编号: No.31502192
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 农业科学
项目作者: 王中杰
作者单位: 中国科学院武汉植物园
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 目前,产油微藻培养及油脂调控研究都是基于分批培养方式,微藻的生长和产油在两个阶段分别进行,限制了微藻产油的潜力。申请人所在团队利用连续培养方式,通过控制氮源的“比输入速率”,首次使小球藻Chlorella pyrenoidosa XQ-20044达到并维持同步生长与产油的稳态,大幅提高了油脂产率。“藻细胞同步生长与产油的分子基础”这一问题的阐明将为微藻产油调控机理研究开辟一条新途径。本申请拟以C. pyrenoidosa XQ-20044为材料,通过比较三种典型的稳态,即同步高生长高油脂积累、低生长高油脂积累和高生长低油脂积累的转录组,从转录水平阐释油脂合成与生长及其它代谢的平衡机制。在此基础上,对稳态建成过程中高度相关基因的表达模式和相应的生理生化响应进行比较,探索同步生长与产油的分子机制,为深入研究微藻油脂调控机制奠定基础,也为建立高效的微藻产油模式提供理论依据。
中文关键词: 产油微藻;小球藻;连续培养;转录组;分子机制
英文摘要: All the scale-up cultivation and lipid regulation researches of oleaginous microalgae are based on batch cultivation strategies up to now. The cell growth and lipid accumulation are divided in two stages in batch culture, which results in lower total lipid productivity. The applicant laboratory have established chemostat cultures for continuous concurrent production of biomass and lipids in Chlorella pyrenoidosa XQ-20044 successfully for the first time, by regulate the threshold values of nitrogen dilution rate (supply rate). Continuous lipid production and high lipid productivity were realized in this developed cultivation system. It is very interesting and unclear that the molecular basis of steady-state in algal cells, which is also the key technique of continuous cultivation strategy. Based on above-mentioned, this study will analyze C. pyrenoidosa XQ-20044 cells which in steady-state using comprehensive methods, including transcriptome, gene clone and RT-qPCR techniques, etc., to explore the molecular basis of simultaneous microalgae growth and lipid production, find the coordination and balance model of lipid synthesis pathway with cell growth and other metabolic pathways. The results will increase our understanding of continuous cultivation deeply, and improve the lipid regulation theory of oleaginous microalgae.
英文关键词: oleaginous microalgae;Chlorella;continuous culture;transcriptome;molecular mechanism