项目名称: 基于子结构模型的约束PEC柱火灾全过程性能及抗火设计方法研究
项目编号: No.51278321
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 建筑科学
项目作者: 毛小勇
作者单位: 苏州科技学院
项目金额: 69万元
中文摘要: 由于受到周围构件的约束,结构中的柱在火灾下的反应及破坏机理与孤立构件存在显著差异,因此约束柱的抗火性能日益成为一个备受关注的热点问题。目前的研究主要以升温膨胀阶段柱受到的轴向约束为主,约束作用多以施加节点约束弹簧来替代,与火灾中柱的实际受力状态存在一定差异。 本项目拟以新型PEC组合柱为研究对象,基于子结构模型,全面考虑柱端轴向约束和弯曲约束效应以及柱端连续性条件,揭示火灾中外部弯矩在梁、柱中的重分配规律,更加真实地反映升、降温火灾全过程PEC柱的力学性能和破坏机理。同时通过理论分析和一定数量的试验研究,获得约束引起的PEC柱轴力及弯矩变化定量指标,并在此基础上建立考虑约束效应的PEC柱抗火简化计算方法。本项目将有助于全面深入地认识火灾全过程约束PEC柱的性能,为其抗火设计提供依据,同时可为其它约束构件的抗火性能研究提供参考。
中文关键词: PEC柱;约束;子结构;抗火性能;火灾全过程
英文摘要: Due to the effect of restraint caused by conjoined members, structural columns present a different fire response and failure mechanism comparing with isolated columns. Fire behavior of restrained columns becomes a hot spot issue in recent years. However, most of the current research work focus on the axial restraint during heating period, and the restraint effects are always modeled as simplified joint springs. The aforementioned model has some difference with practical restrained conditions of structural columns. A new type of composite column, PEC (Partially Encased Concrete) column, will be selected as the object of study in this project. Based on substructure model, effect of axial and bending restraint will be considered, as well as the continuity conditions in the column ends. Redistribution of moment in columns and beams, fire behavior and failure mechanism during fire process including heating and cooling will be investigated. Varied value of axial force and bending moment during fire of PEC columns, together with the simplified calculation method will be given based on theoretic analysis and experiment study. Research work in this project is contributed to learning the fire behavior during fire including heating and cooling, and it can be a reference to the fire design of restrained PEC columns.Also,
英文关键词: PEC columns;restraint;substructure;fire behavior;fire process including heating and cooling