Imperfect-Information Extensive-Form Games (IIEFGs) is a prevalent model for real-world games involving imperfect information and sequential plays. The Extensive-Form Correlated Equilibrium (EFCE) has been proposed as a natural solution concept for multi-player general-sum IIEFGs. However, existing algorithms for finding an EFCE require full feedback from the game, and it remains open how to efficiently learn the EFCE in the more challenging bandit feedback setting where the game can only be learned by observations from repeated playing. This paper presents the first sample-efficient algorithm for learning the EFCE from bandit feedback. We begin by proposing $K$-EFCE -- a more generalized definition that allows players to observe and deviate from the recommended actions for $K$ times. The $K$-EFCE includes the EFCE as a special case at $K=1$, and is an increasingly stricter notion of equilibrium as $K$ increases. We then design an uncoupled no-regret algorithm that finds an $\varepsilon$-approximate $K$-EFCE within $\widetilde{\mathcal{O}}(\max_{i}X_iA_i^{K}/\varepsilon^2)$ iterations in the full feedback setting, where $X_i$ and $A_i$ are the number of information sets and actions for the $i$-th player. Our algorithm works by minimizing a wide-range regret at each information set that takes into account all possible recommendation histories. Finally, we design a sample-based variant of our algorithm that learns an $\varepsilon$-approximate $K$-EFCE within $\widetilde{\mathcal{O}}(\max_{i}X_iA_i^{K+1}/\varepsilon^2)$ episodes of play in the bandit feedback setting. When specialized to $K=1$, this gives the first sample-efficient algorithm for learning EFCE from bandit feedback.
翻译:超度信息宽度游戏 (IIEFGs) 是真实世界游戏中包含不完善的信息和连续游戏的一种流行的样板。 宽度的 Cor 相关 Equilibrium (EFCE) 已被提议为多玩家通用和IIEFG 的自然解决方案概念。 然而, 寻找 EFCE 的现有算法需要游戏的全面反馈, 并且它仍然开放地如何在更具挑战性的土匪反馈设置中高效率地学习 EFCE, 游戏只能通过反复播放的观察来学习。 本文展示了第一个样本高效的算法, 以便从土匪反馈中学习 EFCEFCE 。 $K$- kdelical dealtium=EFCE. 开始提出一个更普遍的定义, 允许玩家观察和偏离推荐的动作, $K$=xx 的计算法将EFCECEFCE作为特别的立案, 以美元增加。 然后我们设计了一个不加密的算法, $- $xxx 的算法, 在游戏中, 在游戏中, $xxxxxxx 的计算中, 我们的计算中, 我们的计算一个全程的计算。