项目名称: 基于多领域建模的高速高精进给系统匹配优化
项目编号: No.51275182
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 机械、仪表工业
项目作者: 王书亭
作者单位: 华中科技大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 项目主要目标是提出基于多领域建模的高速高精进给系统匹配优化设计的相关理论与方法,为高速高精进给系统设计方案优化、性能仿真和验证评价建立理论基础。课题将从三个方面展开研究工作:(1)研究高速轻载滚珠丝杠副和直线滚动导轨等可动结合部力热耦合作用下的物理特性及其表征方法,支持进给系统机械领域的精确建模。(2)研究进给系统时变模态和运行稳定性条件,通过研究自适应陷波滤波补偿控制,支持控制领域的精确建模。(3)研究进给系统多领域建模、仿真、匹配和优化,实现进给系统多域性统一性能优化模型快速构建,实现基于响应面的系统参数匹配优化。项目针对高速加工进给系统多领域高精度建模及优化问题,提出了较为系统的研究思路,有希望攻克进给系统机、电、控、热等不同领域子系统集成设计中的关键性难题,形成我国高速加工进给系统自主创新设计技术,促进机床数字化设计技术发展,实现加工速度向高速阶段的跨越。
中文关键词: 高速高精进给系统;多领域统一建模;多学科优化;可动结合部表征;滑模控制
英文摘要: The main objective of this work is to propose the integrated design theory and method to build the accurate multi-domain unified model for performing the design, analysis, optimization, and performance evaluation of the feed drive systems in machine tool, aiming at developing high-speed/precision feed drive systems. A systematic research plan involving in three aspects is as follows. Firstly, the research work will be centered on the movable joint characterizing and accurate performance modeling, namely, to get an insight for the dynamic characteristics and system coupling of the ball screw mechanism and the linear rolling guide joint surface. Secondly, the free vibration characteristic of the time-varying rotor-screw feed drive system will be analysized to design some adaptive notch filters that are based on gain scheduling to compensate the torsion vibration of first two orders, so as to accurately model servo control system to realize high speed/precision CNC feed movement. Thirdly,the modeling and optimization which takes into account the interaction among mechanical device, electrical subsystem, control subsystem and heat transfer parts will be studied in detail,as a result, the special multi-domain model library for modeling feed system will be extended. The unified multi-domain simulation model of feed dr
英文关键词: High-speed and high-precision feed drive systems;Multi-domain uniform modeling;Multi-discipline optimization;Movable joints characterizing;sliding mode control