项目名称: 海水中痕量溶解态活性磷和总磷的船载式分析研究
项目编号: No.41306090
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 马剑
作者单位: 厦门大学
项目金额: 26万元
中文摘要: 磷是生命的重要元素,在海洋初级生产力的调节中起着重要作用。溶解态磷是海水中磷的主要形态,在寡营养盐海域溶解态磷的浓度很低,通常在纳摩尔水平,需通过高灵敏的技术进行测定。但是现有的溶解态磷分析方法存在检测限高、自动化程度低、无法现场应用等问题,不能满足日益发展的海洋科学研究的需要。本项目旨在建立海水中痕量溶解态活性磷和总磷的船载式分析方法,为研究全球变化中的磷循环提供技术支撑。针对国内外对溶解态磷分析研究的薄弱环节,克服现有分析方法和消解技术单一等不足,以液芯波导长光程、在线消解、流动注射/顺序注射分析等技术手段,对痕量溶解态活性磷和总磷进行深入分析。研究内容包括:流动/顺序注射-自制液芯波导长光程流通池-磷钼蓝分光光度法测定海水中的痕量溶解态活性磷;微波消解、UV光氧化、化学湿式氧化耦合在线高效消解测定海水中的痕量溶解态总磷;海水样品现场分析,探讨和解决实际样品测定中的干扰问题。
中文关键词: 痕量溶解态活性磷;总磷;船载式分析;在线固相萃取;营养盐
英文摘要: Phosphorus is an essential nutrient element for phytoplankton in marine environment and can limit the primary productivity in some sea area. Dissolved phosphorus (DP) is the main form of phosphorus in the oceans and plays an important role in the marine biogeochemical cycle of phosphorus. In the oligotrophic ocean waters, the concentrations of DP are down to nanomolar or even lower level, thus highly sensitive methods are urgently demanded for the analysis of DP. However, the reported methods have the shortcomings of high detection limit, low degree of automation and poor application in tough situations, which have limited the development of marine science research on phosphorus. Moreover, only trace dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) was measured before and very less research was reported about the analysis of dissolved total phosphorus (DTP) because of the limit in digestion technique. Therefore, the aim of this study is to establish the analytical method for the shipboard analysis of trace DRP and DTP in seawater, which is essential for marine biogeochemical research of phosphorus in the open oceans. The study will include: determination of trace DRP based on flow/sequential injection analysis combined with long path length liquid core waveguide spectrophotometry; combination of microwave digestion, UV photo
英文关键词: trace dissolved reactive phosphorus;total phosphorus;shipboard analysis;on-line solid phase extraction;nutrients