项目名称: 基于哒嗪并四硫富瓦烯的T-型有机共轭体的构筑、组装及其性质研究
项目编号: No.21262039
项目类型: 地区科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 尹炳柱
作者单位: 延边大学
项目金额: 52万元
中文摘要: 以3.6-二氯哒嗪并四硫富瓦烯为关键中间体,引入各种芳香环,合成一系列拥有亲水或亲脂柔性链的新的T-型有机共轭体,研究它们在多层次非共价相互作用下的自组装行为(固态、溶液、液晶、凝胶、真空沉积膜、旋涂膜和流延膜等)、聚集体的结构和其形貌特征。通过改变 T-型骨架中的芳环的数目和电子效应、间隔基以及柔性链的种类、尺寸和手性以及刚棒-柔性链的体积比和横截面积,调控TTF衍生物对环境的稳定性、电荷迁移率和电荷类型以及分子间的相互作用,实现分子排列高度有序,赋予材料新的功能。研究上述有机大共轭体及其聚集体为半导体活性组分的 OFET 器件的性能,阐明分子结构及其聚集体结构对OFET器件性能的关系等基本科学问题,为开发具有高电荷迁移率和高关/开电流比率的有机场效应晶体管分子器件的有机半导体材料提供基础理论数据和途径。
中文关键词: 四硫富瓦烯;T-型有机共轭体;有机半导体;有机凝胶;荧光探针
英文摘要: In this project, we are planning to synthsize a series novel T-type organic conjugates bearing hydrophilic and/or hydrophobic flexible chains from 3,6-dichloropyridazinotetrathiafulvalene as a key precursor through introduction of various aryl groups and to explore their self-assembly behavior (in solids, solutions, mesogens, gels,vacuum-deposited thin film,spin-coated thin film,zone-casted films and so on) under multi-noncovalent interactions forces, and the shapes and microstructures of the aggregates. The stability to moisture and oxygen,the charge mobility and the on/off current ratio and the intermolecular interaction will be modulate via modification of the chemical structures of TTF derivatives, such as the numbers and electronic effect of aromatic ring, spacers, and the kinds, size and chirality of the flexible chains and the ratios of volume and cross section between the rigid rod and flexible chain, to achieve the high ordered systems which is endowed with the novel functions.The determination of the charge mobility and on/off current ratio will be carry out to study the potential of the organic conjugates and its aggregates to be used in field-effect transistors (OFETs) device to clarify the basic science problems, the relationships between the performance of OFET device and chemical structures and/or
英文关键词: tetrathiafulvalene;T-type organoconjugate;organosemiconductor;organogel;fluorescent probe