项目名称: 圆窗激振式人工中耳听力补偿力学机制及振子参数优化研究
项目编号: No.51305442
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 机械、仪表工业
项目作者: 刘后广
作者单位: 中国矿业大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 圆窗激振是人工中耳发展的一个新方向,它避开听骨链直接补偿听力损伤,是治疗混合性聋最有潜力的技术之一。但其听力补偿机理尚不清楚,不能有效设计补偿算法;且缺乏振子设计准则,振子与植入环境耦合不理想,临床听力补偿效果不稳定。本项目拟在现有外、中耳研究基础上,构建耳蜗结构形态及生物力学特性数据库,综合运用生物力学、流体力学和结构动力学原理,建立能反映耳蜗内生理特征的整耳力学模型;通过分析圆窗激振下内毛细胞纤毛的力学行为特征,揭示圆窗听力补偿的力学机制,构建听力损伤级别与振子输入力、输入位移间映射关系;建立振子介入的人耳系统耦合力学模型,综合分析振子植入预载荷、支架刚度、及与圆窗连接界面材料特性等对残余听力和听力补偿性能的影响,确定振子关键设计参数的优化准则;在此基础上,研制出一套符合圆窗植入解剖环境的压电振子。成果将为人工中耳振子综合性能优化、提升及开发奠定理论基础,为混合性聋提供可靠解决方案。
中文关键词: 人工中耳;圆窗激振;作动器;听力补偿;参数优化
英文摘要: Round window driving is a new type of hearing compensating method in implantable middle ear hearing device. It is one of the most potential techniques for mixed deafness treatment, as it can compensate hearing loss bypassing ossicular chain. However, as this hearing compensating method's mechanism is still unknown, we can not design hearing compensating signal processing algorithm accordingly. In addition,there still lack of design criterion on this compensating method's actuator,the actuator can not couple with the inner ear effectively, and its's clinical ultilization turn out great variability. Based on our study on human out and middle ear sound transmission mechanism, this project seeks to establish cochlear morphological and mechanical databases, and construct a whole human ear biomechanical model which can reflect the inner physicological characteristics of the cochlea by biomechanics, fluid mechanics, and structural dynamic principle. By simulating the dynamics behavior of the inner hair cell stereocillia, the hearing compensating mechanical mechanism of round window driving is investigated. Moreover, the mapping between the hearing loss level and the actuator's required inputs is analyzed. Furthermore, a human ear-acutator coupling mechanical model is established. By analyzing the influence of preload
英文关键词: implantable middle ear hearing device;round window stimulation;actuator;hearing compensation;parameter optimization