项目名称: 基于GaN材料的脉冲辐射探测技术研究
项目编号: No.11505060
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 刘洋
作者单位: 华北电力大学
项目金额: 23万元
中文摘要: GaN是新一代宽禁带化合物半导体材料,基于GaN材料的辐射探测器件具有时间响应快、耐辐照能力强、漏电流小、可在恶劣环境中工作等卓越性能,是强流脉冲辐射场探测、辐射源监测、核环境监测的理想器件之一。然而,高质量GaN单晶材料生长工艺的制约,严重影响了GaN脉冲辐射探测技术的发展和探测器的应用,特别是GaN材料极化效应对器件工作机理影响的研究目前尚未见报道。本课题首次提出基于低缺陷密度的GaN单晶材料,研制直径20mm以上的电流型大面积GaN脉冲辐射探测器,系统开展其用于强流脉冲辐射场探测技术、器件电荷收集效率及时间响应等探测性能的研究,为GaN材料在脉冲辐射场探测提供科学依据。
中文关键词: 氮化镓;脉冲辐射探测;大面积;电流型;电荷收集效率
英文摘要: GaN is a new generation of wide bandgap compound semiconductor material, GaN-based radiation detector has preeminent properties such as fast response time, high radiation resistance, low leakage current, and is suitable to work in harsh environment. It is one of the ideal devices used in intense pulsed radiation field detection, monitoring of radiation source and nuclear environment. Limited by the technique of high-quality GaN single crystal material growth, development of GaN pulsed radiation detector and GaN pulsed radiation detection technology has never been explored yet. This seriously impedes the development and application of GaN pulsed radiation detection technology. In this project, based on GaN single crystal material with low defect density, we develop current mode large area pulsed radiation detector of diameter above 20mm, study radiation detection technology used in intense pulsed radiation field systematically, and we also study the detection performance such as charge collection efficiency and time response simultaneously. This research will provide scientific basis for pulsed radiation technology using GaN material.
英文关键词: GaN;pulsed radiation detection;large area;current mode;charge collection efficiency