项目名称: 纳米二硫化钼及其复合材料的制备和分析应用研究
项目编号: No.21275010
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 李美仙
作者单位: 北京大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 一方面,纳米二硫化钼由于其独特的性质而引起了人们极大的研究兴趣。而有关单分散的纳米二硫化钼粒子在溶液中的电化学研究还未见报道。本项目拟合成在一些有机溶剂中呈高度单分散、尺寸在5纳米以下的二硫化钼粒子,研究它们在溶液中的电化学行为,探索建立基于它们的电化学、检测与其有相互作用的物质的新的电分析方法。并构筑基于纳米二硫化钼的电化学传感器,用于生物大分子和小分子的高灵敏检测。另一方面,本项目也拟合成纳米金包覆纳米二硫化钼的新的核壳型复合纳米粒子,表征它们的电化学和光学性质,应用于电催化的研究,并用于构筑电化学传感器和光化学传感器,实现对一些物质尤其是生物分子的高灵敏和特异性检测。系统地开展纳米二硫化钼及其复合材料的电化学和光学性质研究及应用,不仅拓展了这种纳米材料的应用研究,也为合成具有特定功能的新的纳米复合材料打下基础,具有十分重要的理论意义和研究价值。
中文关键词: 二硫化钼;电化学传感;电催化;析氢反应;氧还原反应
英文摘要: Molybdelum disulfide nanomaterials have aroused great research interests due to their peculiar properties in recent years. But few have reported electrochemical study of monodisperse molybdelum disulfide nanoparticles in solutions. This project focuses on synthesis of highly monodisperse molybdelum disulfide nanoparticles in organic solvents with their sizes < 5 nm and study of their electrochemical properties, which is expected to develop a novel detection method based on electrochemistry of nanoparticles and interaction with detected substances. To further construct electrochemical sensors of biomacromolecules and small molecules based on molybdelum disulfide nanoparticles and achieve highly sensitive detection. The study of core@shell nanoparticles has a wide range of applications because of the unique combination of the nanoscale core and the functional shell. This project also focuses on synthesis of composite nanomaterials MoS2@Au with molybdelum disulfide nanoparticles as the core and gold nanoparticles as the shell and characterization of their optical and electrochemical properties as well as study of their application in electrocatalysis, electrochemical and optical sensors. They are expected to realize highly sensitive and specific detection for biomolecules. This project explores systematically elect
英文关键词: Molybdelum disulfide;electrochemical sensing;electrocatalysis;hydrogen evolution reaction;oxygen reduction reaction