项目名称: 电容耦合体域网的高能效协作接入机制研究
项目编号: No.61302056
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 刘娇蛟
作者单位: 华南理工大学
项目金额: 26万元
中文摘要: 体域网用人体通信技术实现人体范围内传感器或终端的互联,是实现移动医疗和远程健康监护的重要环节。人体通信技术以人体为信道传输信号,根据信号耦合方式可分为天线耦合、电流耦合和电容耦合。天线耦合方式因克服人体组织的高损耗特性需增大辐射场,辐射大不利于人体安全。电流耦合方式工作频率低,只能实现低速率传输。电容耦合方式具有低辐射、高速率等特点,是目前的研究热点。电容耦合点对点人体通信技术已有较多成果,但是多点组网的研究刚起步,主要难点是近场通信中人体信道接入的高能效问题。本项目根据人体信道收发端功耗的强不对称性,用博弈论对节点接入的竞争与合作关系建模,研究电容耦合体域网的高能效协作接入机制,研究内容包括:1高能效协作时隙分配机制2高能效协作防碰撞机制3分布式协作接入的实现机制4软件仿真和实验平台搭建。申请人及项目成员长期从事短距离无线接入技术、无线网络协作资源分配理论研究,完成了一系列高水平论文。
中文关键词: 体域网;接入控制;电容耦合;信能同传;低功耗
英文摘要: Sensors and portable teminals within the body area can be interconnected in Body Area Network(BAN) with the body channel communication technology. BAN is important in mobile medical and remote health monitoring. The body channel communication technology takes the human body as the communication channel and it can be classfied as antenna coupling, galvanic coupling and capacitive coupling.To overcome the high loss properties of human tissue, the radiation field should be increased in antenna coupling and it is not conductive for the safety of the human body. Low working frequency in galvanic coupling makes it can only achieve a low rate transmission. Capacitive coupling has the characteristics of low radiation, high rate transmission etc and it becomes the current research hotspot. The study of multi-point network with capacitive coupling just starts while point-to-point communication has obtained many achievements. And the main difficulty is the energy efficiency in the human body channel access of near field communication. With the game theory to model the competition and cooperation among nodes according to the strong asymmetry of the power cost between the sender node and the receiver, this project researchs on the collaborative access mechanism with energy efficiency in capacitive coupling BAN. Research cont
英文关键词: body area network;access control;capacitive coupling;SWIPT;low energy cost